Deerfield Age Discrimination Lawyer

In spite of all the protections afforded us by federal and state legislation, age discrimination persists in all over the country. As a matter of fact, according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the problem has worsened in recent years. If you have suffered emotionally, physically, and/or financially because of age discrimination, you may be entitled to substantial damages.

Our team of skilled workplace discrimination attorneys has the in-depth knowledge of employment disputes and the well-honed litigation skills to win you the compensation you deserve.

While there is less media footage of senior citizen protests against age discrimination than coverage of marches for racial, gender, religious, or ethnic rights, age discrimination is taken very seriously by  S.T. Legal Group. Our Deerfield age discrimination lawyers not only offer strong, compassionate legal assistance for employees who experience such misconduct; we also provide employers with assistance in making sure their businesses are in full compliance with all federal and state laws.

Legitimate Causes to File an Employment Age Discrimination Lawsuit

At S.T. Legal Group, we have the experience and judgment to ferret out age discrimination in the workplace. We have a successful track record of winning damages for plaintiffs who have, for reasons of age:

  • Not been hired (or even interviewed) although well-qualified
  • Failed to be promoted or to receive a deserved raise or bonus
  • Received a lower salary than younger employees doing similar work
  • Been harassed, disciplined unfairly, or otherwise mistreated
  • Been passed over for training or travel opportunities
  • Been forced to put up with inferior working conditions
  • Been forced into retirement while still fully capable of working
  • Wrongful termination

Like other types of employment discrimination, age discrimination can start subtly and quickly become intolerable. If you have been mocked, imitated, or referred to in an offensive manner because of your age, your first step should be to confront your harasser, letting the individual know that she/he has crossed the line. If the disturbing behavior continues, report it to your supervisor or human resources department. If you still don’t receive satisfaction with the age discrimination complaint, connect with a Deerfield attorney.

Employment Law Is on Your Side

In the state of Illinois, you are protected from age discrimination in your workplace by both federal and state laws:

  • The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects employees 40 years of age and older from discriminatory hiring, promotion, discharge, wage disparity, or “conditions or privileges of employment.” The ADEA applies to all employers with 20 or more employees.
  • The Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) provides even more legal protection. It prohibits all public and private employers from age discrimination in recruitment, hiring, promotion, or renewal of employment. The IHRA goes further than the ADEA by applying this standard to all businesses with one or more employees.
  • Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) is an amendment to the ADEA that shields older workers’ employee benefits from being denied due to age discrimination.

We Know How to Prove Age Discrimination Even When It Is Disguised

Because employers know that age discrimination is illegal, they try to cover it up whenever possible. Fortunately, the lawyers at S.T. Legal Group in Deerfield work hard to fight against those who mistreat employees simply because they have reached “a certain age.” even in cases where deception makes it difficult to do so.

For example, although potential employers are forbidden by law to ask your age (unless it is to determine that you are at least 18), they can easily get around this sanction by simply sizing up your appearance, asking for the date of your graduation from high school or college or by engaging you in small talk designed to give your approximate age away.

In a similar vein, they may, if accused of age discrimination, insist that they are demoting or terminating an older employee because of incompetence or lack of productivity, rather than age.

Diana has well-sharpened skills to cut through such shenanigans by:

  • Investigating carefully
  • Finding evidence of age discrimination of you
  • Finding evidence of prior age discriminatory behavior
  • Interviewing witnesses

She will gather pertinent evidence that contradicts your employer’s version of events, including items like your original resume and references, personnel files, performance reviews, and honors and awards you have received. Her knowledge of employment law and facility in engaging in forceful arguments may win you damages through negotiations alone. If not, she is always prepared for aggressive litigation.

The More You Know, the Safer You Are

It pays to know that just as you cannot be lawfully terminated for reasons of age, you also cannot be terminated in retaliation for questions or complaints about age discrimination. In addition, your employer is forbidden to post job notices that specify age limits unless there is a “bona fide occupational qualification” in play.

Interestingly, the age of the defendant in age discrimination lawsuits has no bearing on the outcome of the case. You can sue your employer even if the individual is a decade older than you are if the reason for his or her negative job action is age discrimination.

Damages We Will Fight to Win

Age discrimination is never appropriate. We will seek the compensatory damages you deserve for:

  • Lost income (back and front pay)
  • Lost benefits or bonuses you are owed
  • Emotional distress

We may also, depending on circumstances, be able to have you reinstated or receive training or a promotion you were previously denied. If your employer’s misconduct has been especially egregious, we may be able to persuade the court to award you punitive damages as well.

Contact Our Experienced Age Discrimination Lawyer Today

Don’t allow yourself to be bullied. If you feel that age discrimination factored into a negative action at your workplace, contact employment lawyer, Diana Servos for an evaluation on your legal matters. If she finds that you have a viable case, she will fight vigorously for your rights, your financial security, your dignity, and your right to work in a non hostile work environment.

Our Deerfield age discrimination lawyers represent employers and employees  throughout the state. Call us today to schedule a consultation and get started.